
Friday, March 1, 2019

Government Security Classifications Essay

In light of the growing controversy surrounding the former monument of State, Hillary Clinton, the Republican Party is claiming that she use her individualised email account to light classified knowledge. The United States potpourri system is currently established by Executive high society 13526 and has three directs of classification Confidential, cloistered, and superlative degree Secret.The lowest direct of classification is Confidential. Confidential material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, Any information that would own damage or be prejudicious to study security if it were made available. A variety of markings are used for material that is not classified, but whose distribution is limited administratively much(prenominal) as, For Official Use Only (FOUO), or Sensitive but nonsensitive (SBU). Although these items are marked unclassified, they are not to be sent via personal email. No special investigation is needed at this level for the individual other than a need to know basis. The second highest classification is Secret. Secret material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, Any information that would cause serious damage to national security if it were made public. approximately information that is classified is held at this level. In order to have a secret clearance, you must have an investigation into your background to go over trustworthiness. This is normally conducted by a government agency.The highest level of classification is Top Secret. Top secret as defined in Executive Order 13526, Shall be applied to information, unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe. It is believed that 1.4 million Americans have discharge secret clearances. Top secret clearances are usually given to peculiar(prenominal) individuals who pass a very stringent security background investig ation. Individuals with this level of classification work at the top levels of our government.As you can discriminate we have a government system in place to ensure that classified information is distributed accordingly throughout the governmentto protect national security. In regards to Mrs. Clinton, do you think that she broke the rules by using her personal email account? The jury is still out on that investigation.

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